Preserving Health
with Sheryl McWilliams
A free, 7-session series focusing on methods to cultivate and preserve nature’s bounty, including planning and preparing your garden, dehydrating food and canning vegetables.
Facilitated by Sheryl McWilliams.
2nd Thursday of the month | 6:30-8 p.m. (no sessions in July or August)
- March 13: Planning for the Future: Garden design, breaking the ground, till vs. no-till, etc.
- April 10: All Things Seeds: Selection, sourcing, starting and preservation
- May 8: Will It Grow? Planting, weeding and nurturing
- June 12: Growing the Soil: How to produce healthy, nutrient-dense plants
- September 11: Gathering the Bounty: Harvesting your produce
- October 9: What to Do with a Bumper Crop: Food storage and preservation
- November 13: Putting the Garden to Bed for the Winter
Registration is required for each individual session.
Mid Coast Center for Community Health and Wellness
329 Maine Street
Brunswick, ME 04011
Get directions